Monday, October 13, 2008

Ninja Gaiden II

Okay, so I read this really great review at Edge Magazine Online. After doing so, I decided to give Ninja Gaiden II another chance.

It may be one of the most incredible modern games I've ever played, even as it's one of the most infuriating. You must learn to play it, not just jump in and expect to be the HNIC (Head Ninja In Charge). But after giving myself to it completely (and having the tar knocked out of me time and time again) I can see why one would cotton to its thrills and challenge more than any of the other would-be end-all, be-alls of modern action gaming. Both God of War games are pretty good, and the Devil May Cry games I've played can be fun, too, but both of those series seem tame when Ryu Hayabusa Flying Swallows into the room. I'll never say another bad thing about the Ninja Gaiden series again, except that if it doesn't hit the bar with the next one it'll be a sad day for all of us.

P.S. Make that two things, the camera really is bad.

Well, since Itagaki left Tecmo, I can't really see the series being the same, so we'll see.
They've said that this will be the last Ninja Gaiden. This has saddened me for obvious reasons, but without Itagaki's ego to lead them to victory, I wonder how the future of ninja heroes will ever survive.
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