Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Doujin Spotlight 00

Dojin: often romanized as doujin, is a general Japanese term for a group of people or friends who share an interest, activity, hobbies, or achievement. The word is sometimes translated into English as clique, coterie, society, or circle (e.g., a "sewing circle").
In Japan the term is used to refer to amateur self-published works, including but not limited to manga, novels, fan guides, art collections, music and video games. Some professional artists participate as a way to publish material outside the regular publishing industry.

So you're a fan of games like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear, but are frustrated by the lack of other quality 2D fighters on the market. What are you to do? Or you're a fiend for old-school shooters, in the vein of Gradius, R-Type, or Thunder Force. Where do you go for your fix now that these series' entries have slowed to a nearly dead state? How about if you like classic action platforming action to the tune of a Contra or a MegaMan, but can't find anything to sate that appetite in today's gaming market?

If you live in Japan and are somewhat talented, you get together with some like-minded individuals and start making your own games. You go to events like Reitaisai and Comiket and show your wares along with other groups (doujin circles), where people less talented but no less interested will pay good Yen to purchase your hard work.

If you don't live in Japan (and aren't talented) though, you just play these doujin works. But what doujin games are out there? That's where I come in. I will be doing a series of posts on my favorite doujin titles. These posts will not so much be reviews, but I hope to show all interested where the fun resides in this very niche hobby of mine.
Labels: Dojin, Doujin, Japanese Games, PC gaming
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