Thursday, February 7, 2008

Devil May Cry 4

Okay, so I don't have a Wii (HAHA, you get it?) and I thought Assassin's Creed was bad. Really bad. I'm going to have to blog about something 10 times cooler.

Picked up Devil May Cry 4 today for my 360, which has been collecting a nice amount of dust until now. Actually, this is a pretty good month for the 360. DMC4 and Lost Odyssey. I've been anticipating Lost Odyssey although I admit I haven't really been following it. The reviews seem pretty average stating that it's your typical JRPG standard fare and it really isn't anything new. I'll blog about that later when I pick it up next week.

Anyways, onto Devil May Cry 4. Initially, I was put off by the lack of Dante as the main character and the fact that he's.. much older. Dante takes the back seat in this game, while Nero is our new hero. In the two hours I've played, I've learned Nero is quite fun to use. He basically moves just like Dante but he has a power called the 'Devil Bringer.' The 'Devil Bringer' is Nero's demon arm that can grab and toss enemies around. It's actually quite fun to use. Mix that up with some fast and furious gun and swordplay and you've got an awesome combination.

I'm just a few missions in but so far, this is turning out pretty good. I had a blast with DMC3 when it came out, and man, that game kicked my ass so hard.


Re: Assassin's Creed

I find your lack of faith...disturbing.
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